ISSUE #008

Magic 8 Ball

Do you remember asking questions to The Magic 8 Ball as a child, hoping it would help you make decisions about your future?

You would hold the plastic ball in your hand, ask it a question, shake it, and then flip it over to reveal the answer.

Magic 8 Ball, will this advertising campaign be successful?

“Reply hazy, try again.” – The Magic 8 Ball.

While the Magic 8 Ball may have been entertaining, it wasn’t very accurate in predicting the future.

Unfortunately, we can’t predict the future, but we can give you the tools, information, resources, and support you need to make informed decisions.

So whether you’re wondering if your next campaign will be a success or not, we can help you find the answer.

This Week's Growth Tip

The days of getting someone to click on an ad and immediately purchase or contact you are getting harder and harder.

It’s estimated that over 250,000 websites are launched every day.

So if you feel like it’s getting harder to get noticed online, it’s because you are fighting a never-ending battle.

You can use countless strategies and tactics when it comes to your website, SEO, social media, and email marketing.

And there are tools and services you can use to make it easier on yourself.

Specifically, when it comes to paid search advertising on google, three of the biggest mistakes I see advertisers making are not understanding keyword intent, not removing negative keywords, and not optimizing their landing pages.

Being deficient in all three areas is a great way to waste your budget.

So if you’re ads are not converting, you may want to stop thinking that all the leads are bad and start thinking about the experience you are delivering.

This Week's Announcement

We want nothing more than for you to be successful in your advertising campaigns.

If you want to see:

  • All the advertisers you are competing against
  • All the keywords your competitors are competing on
  • Your competitor’s ad copy
  • What time of day your competitors are running ads
  • What devices your competitors are targeting.

Then you need to check out: LOCAL PPC XRAY.

We’ll create a custom PPC Local Market Snapshot for free.

Get a LOCAL PPC XRAY, and I’ll show you the exact ads that are being shown for your services in your local market right now.

If you want to improve your Google Ads performance:

  • Decrease Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Decrease Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)
  • Increase Impression Share (IS)
  • Increase Click Through Rate (CTR).

Then you need to check out: PPCBOOM.

It’s mathematically proven to consistently improve your google ad results.

You can try PPCBOOM risk-free with our 14-day free trial and 30-day money-back guarantee.

With Digital Tradesman by your side, you’re never behind the 8 ball.


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